- All licenses expire annually on Dec. 31.
- There is a grace period for MD/DO licenses only to renew from Jan. 1 to Jan. 31 with a late fee. Unrenewed licenses status will remain in Active status (authorized to practice medicine) until midnight on Jan. 31.
- Renewal applications are completed and submitted through the Licensee Portal beginning on Oct. 1.
- Reminder emails are sent to the email address of record beginning in October.
- Be sure your mailing and email addresses are correct at the Licensee Portal. We send important to your designated email address, such as rule changes, new requirements, and newsletters with information you need. Be sure your email address is one that you check frequently and add as a trusted sender. We do not send junk email or mail.
- The address you list as Public is subject to disclosure.
- All lawful aliens/foreign national licensees practicing in Alabama are required to submit annually a Declaration of Lawful Presence form with proof of legal presence as a non-permanent alien prior to renewing a license. Once legal presence documentation has been received and approved, the license will be available for renewal.
Full (traditional and IMLC) (Renewal Fee $300)
Renewal Requirements
- Annual continuing medical education requirement is 25 Category 1 or equivalent credits earned during the calendar year.
- Licensees must complete renewal applications personally and attest to the accuracy of the information.
- After renewing the license, return to the Licensee Portal to renew other licenses or registrations.
- Licenses obtained via the IMLC must be renewed by using the IMLC renewal website. If the IMLC licensee has an ACSC, the license must first be renewed, then the ACSC may be renewed through the Alabama Licensee Portal. Please note the IMLC period begins on Oct. 2.
Limited (COQ Renewal Fee $15/License Renewal Fee $300)
- Limited certificates of qualification (COQ) and licenses expire annually on Dec. 31.
- Limited COQs must be renewed each year prior to renewing the license and before Oct. 12. The forms will be available through your program or institution.
- Once the COQ is renewed, the limited license is available for renewal through the Licensee Portal.
- Please contact your program or institution for additional information.
RSVP (No Renewal Fee)
- RSV certificates of qualification (COQ) and licenses expire annually on Dec. 31.
- RSV COQs must be renewed each year prior to renewing the license and before Oct. 12.
- Fill out the RSVP Certificate of Qualification Renewal Application, have it signed by the clinic or facility administrator, and email or mail it to the Board on or before October 20.
- Once the COQ is renewed, the RSVP license is available for renewal through the Licensee Portal.
- Please contact your facility with any questions or for additional information.
ACSC (Renewal Fee $150)
- ACSCs expire annually on Dec. 31 and are renewed through the Licensee Portal.
- Renew the medical license first, then proceed to renewal of the ACSC.
- Be prepared to upload a copy of your current DEA certificate during the renewal process.
- To apply for re-issuance of an expired ACSC, please contact the ACSC Department.
- NOTE: Beginning with the 2024 renewal, you will be required to attest that you have obtained the biennial CME requirement for ACSC holders. See the ACSC CME webpage for additional information.
Dispensing (Controlled Substances) (No Renewal/Fee)
Currently, Dispensing Physician registrations do not renew. Dispensing Physicians are expected to terminate their registrations when they no longer dispense controlled substances from any location.
Office Based Surgery (No Fee)
Office Based Surgery registrations are made annually during the license renewal process by Jan. 31. If you answer “yes” to the question of whether you perform office-based surgery, you will be directed to the registration form. There is no fee for this registration.
Pain Management (Renewal Fee $100)
Pain management registrations expire on Dec. 31 of each year and are renewed after the license is renewed through the Licensee Portal.
Use of Lasers and Other Modalities (No Fee)
NEW for 2024 renewals: Registrations for the use of lasers and light/energy-based devices (LLBDs) now renew annually during the license renewal period. If you answer “yes” to the question of whether you utilize LLBDs in your practice, you will be directed to register and/or renew your current registration. There is no fee for this registration.
Collaborative Pharmacy Practice (Renewal Fee $200 Medical Board / $50 Pharmacy Board)
Collaborative Pharmacy Practice agreements renew every two years. Physicians who are currently in a Collaborative Pharmacy Practice agreement due for renewal will be contacted individually with instructions.
PA/AA License and Registration (Renewal Fee $100)
- Licenses are renewed annually on or before Dec. 31 through the Licensee Portal.
- Registrations are not renewed. The parties are expected to notify the Board when a registration is terminated.
- The annual CME requirement is 25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.
If a PA/AA fails to renew a license before Jan. 1 of each year, it may subsequently be renewed as follows:
- Between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, submit a completed application, pay the fee, and certify completion of the required CME credits earned in the prior year.
- Feb. 1 and thereafter, submit a completed application, pay the fee, and submit proof of completion of the required CME credits earned within the preceding 12 months.
* * * *
Beginning in 2024, Collaborating and Supervising Physicians are required to certify annually that any approved covering physician continues to agree to serve in that capacity.
During the license renewal process, physicians in collaborative and supervisory agreements with CRNPs, CNMs, and/or PAs will be prompted to make the required certification. You will be directed to the Licensee Portal under Covering Physician Information, where you can view the covering physicians for your collaborative/supervisory practice, remove any that are no longer active, and make the certification.
* * * *
- QACSC/LPSPs expire annually on Dec. 31 and are renewed through the Licensee Portal.
- As a requirement for QACSC/LPSP renewal, applicant must:
- Obtain four AMA PRA Category 1 credits every two years through a Board-approved course regarding the prescribing of controlled substances.
- Have a current registration to access the Prescription Drug Monitoring Databank.
- Have a current Drug Enforcement Administration registration.