Bridge Year Graduate

The Physician Workforce Act of 2023 and the Board's Administrative Rules, Chapter 540-X-27, provide for limited, supervised practice for physicians who applied to, but were not accepted into, a residency training program for the first two years following medical school graduation ("bridge year graduate physicians").


  • The physician must be a graduate of a medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education or the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation.
  • The Board will issue to qualified applicants a permit to practice as a bridge year graduate physician under the on-site supervision of an Alabama-licensed physician. The permit will be valid for one year and may be renewed, upon application and payment of a renewal fee, for no more than one additional one-year period.
  • An individual holding a bridge year graduate physician permit may prescribe, dispense, or administer legend drugs to patients based on a formulary approved by the supervising physician and the Board.
  • At the end of the bridge year, the supervising physician must submit a report to the Board indicating the scope and breadth of the practice, instruction, and training provided and a statement as to whether the bridge year graduate physician would be recommended for a residency position upon reapplication. 
  • This permit does not confer any future right to licensure to practice medicine in Alabama.

We expect to begin accepting applications within a few months. We will update this site as we obtain further information.

Physician Workforce Act of 2023
Bridge Year Graduate Physician Permit Administrative Rules