Administrative Rules

Administrative Rules are published by the Legislative Reference Service

Click here for Board of Medical Examiners Administrative Rules

Click here for Medical Licensure Commission Administrative Rules

Proposed Rules

JUNE 2024

540-X-7-.08, Grandfather Clause - Physician Assistant - proposed amendment to remove provision prohibiting a person holding a degree of doctor of medicine but who is not licensed to practice medicine in Alabama is not eligible for a license and registration as a physician assistant.

540-X-7-.29 and .62, Basic Requirement (CME) - proposed amendment to require all newly licensed and actively licensed physician assistants and anesthesiologist assistants complete a course in the area of professional boundaries within 12 months of issuance of a new license and by Dec. 31, 2025, for active licensees.

540-X-14-.02, Basic Requirement (CME) - proposed amendment to require all newly licensed and actively licensed physicians complete a course in the area of professional boundaries within 12 months of issuance of a new license and by Dec. 31, 2025, for active licensees.

May 2024

540-X-7-.30 Physician Assistants' Advisory Committee - proposed amendment to limit reappointment of committee members to two additional terms of three years.

April 2024

540-X-9-.13 Physician Issued Verbal Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Order

545-X-2-.08 Temporary Expedited License For Military Members And Spouses

545-X-4-.06 Unprofessional Conduct

Certified Final Rules

June 2024

540-X-9-.13, Physician Issued Verbal Do Not Attempt Resuscitation  (DNAR) Order - new rule sets forth process for physicians to verbally communicate and affirm to a facility a patient's desire that resuscitative measures be withheld so that undesired resuscitative measures and/or hospital transfers do not occur.

May 2024

Chapter 540-X-27 Bridge Year Graduate Physician - new chapter of rules pursuant to Alabama Act No. 2023-233 (Ala. Code § 34-24-75.2) to establish the Bridge Year Graduate Physician Permit

April 2024

540-X-25-.01 PreambleRelated Documents

540-X-25-.02 DefinitionsRelated Documents

540-X-25-.04 Requirements For Initial Application For Alabama Medical Cannabis Certification PermitRelated Documents

540-X-25-.05 Physician Eligibility For An Alabama Medical Cannabis Certification PermitRelated Documents

540-X-25-.09 Limitations Upon Registered Certifying PhysiciansRelated Documents

540-X-25-.10 Requirements For Physician Recommendation Or Certification For The Use Of Medical CannabisRelated Documents

540-X-25 Appendix A Alabama Medical Cannabis Informed ConsentRelated Documents